CET offers Czech language courses for full-time students of Slavonic studies at Faculté de Lettres, Tra­duc­tion et Com­mu­ni­ca­tion ; dé­par­te­ment de Langues et Lettres. The full-time courses include Czech li­te­ra­ture, history and realities with Petra James and Czech language courses with Jitka Hejlová and Adéla Jelínková.

For more in­for­ma­tion please visit the ULB website : https://ltc.ulb.be/nos-departements-d-enseignement/departement-de-langues-et-lettres-1.


The evening courses are organized in co­ope­ra­tion with the Czech Centre Brussels and are intended for all in­ter­es­ted members of the general public. Our students usually learn Czech for personal reasons, but we also welcome language en­thu­siasts who want to get familiar with the Slavic language. 

In the evening courses for the public, students are divided into three levels :

  • N1 — beginners (level A0)
  • N2 — in­ter­me­diate (level A1-A2)
  • N3 — advanced (level A2-B1)

In the courses we teach Czech using the Czech Express and Czech Step-by-Step methods and materials tailored to the students’ needs. We also practice the active com­mu­ni­ca­tive method.

We offer evening Czech courses as combined courses (on-line courses) as well as face-to-face courses (in person at ULB — Solbosch campus).

Re­gis­tra­tion for the courses starts at the end of August and ends at the beginning of September. Courses run in two semesters at the same level (so it is not possible to register for a course in January).

If you have any questions, please contact our Czech language teacher Jitka Hejlová via e-mail :  jitka.hejlova@ulb.be


The Summer Uni­ver­sity offers intensive Czech language courses that run for two weeks usually at the beginning of the summer (courses start at the end of June and end in the second half of June). At the uni­ver­sity you will meet with Czech language teachers from CET ULB (Jitka Hejlová and Adéla Jelíková) and from ÚJOP UK (Jitka Schormová). 

The Summer Uni­ver­sity of Czech has been founded under CET ULB since 2000. Courses are held face-to-face at ULB — Solbosch campus. However, even the covid in 2021 and 2022 did not stop us from running the courses online.

In the Summer Uni­ver­sity, students are divided into three levels :

  • N1 — beginners (level A0)
  • N2 — in­ter­me­diate (level A1-A2)
  • N3 — advanced (level A2-B1)

If you have already attended our summer uni­ver­sity and your Czech language level is already higher than it was a year ago, it is possible to move up to the next level. However, you must complete the ap­pli­ca­tion form and placement test before the start of the summer. Re­gis­tra­tion for the Czech courses starts at the end of April.

If you have any questions, please contact our Czech language teacher Jitka Hejlová via e-mail : jitka.hejlova@ulb.be.