CET also participates in a wide range of academic and cultural activities.

Colleagues and experts from Czech and European universities regularly come to Brussels for lectures, thematic workshops or debates. CET co-organizes Bohemian studies conferences and is actively involved in international academic cooperation. To keep in touch with contemporary Czech culture and literature, Czech authors come to Brussels to present their work in an international context and meet Czech language students and Czech.

A traditional event which attracts both Czech language students and Czechs living in Brussels, is the Café Tchèque cultural and conversational evening. At this event, students meet classmates of varying proficiency levels, practice their Czech with native speakers, taste Czech specialties, and discover new aspects of Czech culture through a thematic program, games, and quizzes. Café Tchèque takes place once or twice a semester with the friendly support of the Czech Centre and the Representation of the South Moravian Region to the EU.

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